In my life this week...
My life this week was nice and slow. We had some nice weather at the beginning of the week, so we played outside a lot. We planted our herbs in recycled containers this week. We got the breaks on our car replaced this week. The house is messier than normal, and it is driving me nuts. I need to clean it up. I started readingThe Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer. So far I am enjoying the book. I like reading about how different families school their children. I don’t think that their plan as written will work for our family because I disagree with the order of her high school science education, but I am still getting some good ideas.
In our homeschool this week...
Little BBQ has really been enjoying reading. He is asking to read more books which makes me happy. His attention span is growing by leaps and bounds. Little BBQ could barely sit through one book back in January. Tonight he sat through 5 books. He was really into the Curious George series. George’s mischievousness reminds me a lot of Little BBQ.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We visited some friends this week who also homeschool. It was nice to let our sons play together. They played really well together. There was a lot of banter back and forth along with some role playing on both sides.
My favorite thing this week was...
My favorite thing this week was planting the herbs with Little BBQ this week. He diligently filled each container up with dirt and diligently put seeds into each container. It was really cute. Then he wanted the herbs to grow NOW so he got a fake flower and put it in one of the containers. I really appreciated the effort.
What's working/not working for us...
Little BBQ can not handle playing the Wii for even short periods of time. He gets too temperamental over the sword playing game. He has to win. He gets upset if he does not win. I took away the wii for the whole week. Since taking away the wii he has been behaving much better. We are still struggling to find a way to let him enjoy the wii in moderation. We have thought about letting him play the wii only on weekends. It seems even if the wii is around, then he just begs to play it all the time. When the wii is hidden, then he doesn’t ask about making my life much more pleasant with him.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Does anyone else struggle with wii playing? How do you regulate playing time? How do you help you child cope with losing?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
I have been doing some writing for Yahoo. I wrote several articles this week including one on noncandy inexpensive Easter egg fillers, another how to throw a graduation party on a budget, and ten weird things to do in Austin, Texas.