Friday, April 22, 2011

Egg Shell Art

Crushed Egg Shell Art

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We were originally going to have 18 cascarones this year, but I dropped some of the eggs on the floor, and they shattered. Instead of crushing them further and adding them to my garden like I normally would I decided to make an art project out of the crushed eggs. Little BBQ took the egg shells and added them to egg dye. We dyed them like a normal egg. Then I let Little BBQ have a bottle of glue and the dried crushed eggs. He took my patterns from my marshmallow Easter candy and glued the egg shells to the patterns creating a fun little Easter project that we will probably do again in winter when I don't have a garden that needs extra calcium from the egg shells.

Materials (source: from our home)

Broken egg shells
Hot Water
Food coloring
Paper towels


1. For each color of egg shell, you will need 1 cup for dying the shells, 1 cup hot water, a few drops of food coloring, and 1 tsp vinegar. Mix these ingredients together and add the eggs shells.
2. Once the egg shells are the desired color, remove the egg shells and let them dry overnight on a paper towel.
3. On the next day, glue the egg shells to a piece of paper to create a work of art.

Posted on Easter Blog Hop


  1. Great way to make lemons out of lemonade. Cute project!

  2. Hopped over from the Carnival. Beautiful idea I just have to try. But first I need to know, what is a cascarone?

  3. Carol, my previous post will show you a cascarone. Basically they are colored hollowed out eggs filled with confetti that you break on people's head for luck.


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